
Wednesday 21 May 2014

Getting ready for a great #ICT4RED week in Cofimvaba

The labs at Meraka were abuzz with activity this week as we prepare for the big "trek" to Cofimvaba next week to go and deliver the learner mobikits to all the Phase 2 schools who have earned it. And they have ALL earned their mobikits! We are so proud and excited.

In order for the schools to earn their mobikits, their teachers have to earn a certain amount of badges. Almost all the teachers in all the Phase 2 schools have earned their compulsory badges, thereby ensuring that their learners can share in the magic tablets can bring to the classroom. We salute our teachers' dedication and enthusiasm and we know that they are ready to implement all the innovative learner centered teaching strategies with their learners in their classrooms!

Our ICT4RED team will be personally visiting the schools and handing over the mobikit trolleys. A lot of hard work has gone into preparing the tablets for distribution. First a range of handpicked apps were sourced. Then the team had to figure out how to macro-install it on all the mobikit tablets and personalise the tablets with easy to identify home screen folders, making it easy for the learners to find subject specific apps.

We will also be kicking off our phase 3 teacher professional development preparation by capacitating the Cofimvaba Subject Advisers with hands on training. They will be experiencing the #ict4red Teachers Professional Development course over 4 days in Queenstown where after a core contingent of master trainers will be identified and taken through a further intensive train the trainers course. 

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