
Friday 28 March 2014

Game Based Learning

One of the innovative teaching strategies chosen for our ICT4RED course is Game Based Learning. The teachers experienced first hand how gaming strategies can create excitement, motivate learners and at the same time assist in seamless learning of complex issues. Using a well played favourite like Angry Birds, the teachers looked at how you can use games to explore mathematical concepts while having loads of fun. It also showed that you are never to old to beat the young ones at their own game!

Next up was a our very own Cofimvaba ICT4RED Quiz show where the teachers competed in teams to demonstrate their knowledge of copyright, creative commons and fair use. The tension at times were scary as everybody raced against time and each other to earn the top quiz honours.

We finished off with a using the tablets to compose original songs using the musical instruments app on the tablets. Our teachers yet again showed us that there is no shortage of talent and creativity in Cofimvaba.

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